WORKHUB360: Empowering Job Opportunities for All ​

WORKHUB360: Empowering Job Opportunities for All

WORKHUB360 is a transformative platform that connects job seekers with employers, providing a foundation for success by matching skills and fostering an inclusive community. Join today on IOS and Android for a free trial and start your journey towards meaningful employment.

We Are “WORKHUB360”

There is an old Chinese proverb which reads, “You give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.” Today, U.S. unemployment have experienced record low percentages not seen in over 50 years. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau Labor Statistics latest numbers, the current ratio of job openings with people seeking employment is at about 2 to 1. And while there are many opportunities to work, that is not true for those who are lacking job skills, training or for the marginalized in our community. There is now a platform which will assist those who need to work the most find a fitting job match. Introducing, the WORKHUB360 app. 

Creating an Inclusive Job Community.

The WORKHUB360 app’s mission is to create a foundation and inclusive community for the WORKHUB360 job seekers and WORKHUB360 employers to succeed. Simply put, it is a data base matching job seekers with employers and employers with job seekers. Plus, a tool to help in the management of their partnership. It is easy to use. As a job seeker upon download enter your name and email, create a password and your location.

Creating an Inclusive Job Community.​
Job Opportunities At Your Fingertips.​

Job Opportunities At Your Fingertips.

A photo is optional. In the bio section offer a brief description of yourself including education level, any job skills and describe the qualities which are special about you as well as your start and end date. As an employer you list your business name, location, owner and/or supervisor’s name, business category and description. Once a job seeker applies to your job and you select them you will connect through a private text chain and the interview process begins! Once hired you will have the opportunity to post training videos and modules including the different tasks the job requires and how to do them.

Empowerment Through Job-Driven Life Changes

WORKHUB360 is created by a philanthropic family, who states, “We saw a bunch of capable individuals that just needed access to the right places to succeed. And that’s all they needed. This app gives people access to opportunities while changing the lives of all who participate.” Because WORKHUB360 is here to uplift lives to those seeking opportunities and those who will give it to them download it today on IOS and Android for a free trial period and more information on how to subscribe.

Empowerment Through Job-Driven Life Changes​

App Features

WORKHUB360: Empowering Job Opportunities for All ​
  • Smart Job Matching:

    WORKHUB360 utilizes a powerful database to match job seekers with employers based on their skills, qualifications, and preferences. This intelligent job matching system ensures that both parties find the perfect fit for a successful partnership.

  • Private Text Chains:

    The app offers a secure and private text chain for job seekers and employers to communicate during the hiring process. This streamlined communication enables efficient coordination and fosters a professional and confidential environment for interviews and discussions.

  • Training & Skill Development:

    WORKHUB360 goes beyond just job matching. For employers, it provides a platform to post training videos and modules, helping new hires to quickly learn and excel at their tasks. This feature empowers employees with the necessary skills and boosts their long-term success in their chosen occupations.

  • Inclusive Community:

    WORKHUB360's mission is to create an inclusive community where everyone can thrive. The app's foundation is built on connecting marginalized individuals and those lacking job skills with employers who value diversity and seek to uplift lives through meaningful opportunities.



Browse through our frequently asked questions to find out the answers you are looking for. If you need more help, please contact us directly. 

You can download this app via Apple’s App Store for your iOS device and Google Play Store for your Android device. Simply click on the links at the top or bottom of the page to download.

Reach out to “WORKHUB360”

Reach out to us with any questions, suggestions or just to say hi!

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